Young woman with blonde hair swept back, looking down at her smartphone with a calm expression sitting in a cafe.

Considering abortion?

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, you might be thinking about abortion.

Some women feel scared, alone and overwhelmed when they discover they are pregnant and did not expect to be, and they may think abortion is their only solution.

We have served women in the Mountain Grove, Missouri area (and beyond) who are:

Students in high school or in college and are afraid to tell their parents they’re pregnant. Or, they’re worried about how their life plans will change.
Single women with no support from family or friends and they feel unable to provide for a baby
Women who have children already, but feel they are unable to care for more children because of finances or other stressful circumstances.

These are all valid reasons to be uncertain and scared about the future.  We get that!

Fortunately, we have resources to assist you, no matter what you’re facing at the moment.

Before you make a decision

First, take a moment and breathe!

At the Pregnancy Resource Center of Mountain Grove, we have helped hundreds of women with unplanned pregnancies, including many women who thought abortion was their only option.

Often, just having time to sit down and talk to someone who will listen can be a huge relief.

We are available to be that person who will listen to you without judgment.

Our trained, professional staff members and volunteers can also discuss resources with you that you may not realize exist.

We can help you navigate the stressful obstacles you are facing so that you can make decisions that benefit you, with confidence.

Young woman wearing a hat looking out over a field with back to camera.

Do you know all the facts to make the best choice for YOU?

You deserve to know the facts about abortion, as well as adoption and parenting before making any decision that will impact the rest of your life.

If you are thinking about having an abortion, you should have all the information first. This includes the procedures and risks associated with chemical abortion (the “abortion pill” or medical abortion), and surgical abortion.

You should also know about current Missouri laws on abortion.

If you’re looking for information about contraceptives including the Morning After Pill (Plan B), we can discuss this one-on-one as well.

Visit our office for a pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy first. Then, we can perform an ultrasound to determine viability of your pregnancy and how far along you are.

ALL OF OUR SERVICES ARE FREE and confidential. Your health and safety are of great importance to us.

To make an appointment by text, message us at: 417-275-0095 via our private text messaging system, or call 417-926-3310.

You can also use the chat widget on this screen to talk to a nurse now.

If you’re feeling pressured

You should know that no one can force you to make a decision – not a boyfriend, spouse, a parent or anyone else.  Even if you are a minor, it is illegal for anyone to attempt to force you into an abortion.

Studies have shown that as many as 74% of women who have had abortions felt pressured in some way prior to making an abortion decision.

Yet, the woman who is pregnant is the one who will be the most affected by an abortion decision – not those who were pressuring her.

Once you have the facts, YOU decide what your next step is.

You are not alone. We’re here to help.

Contact us.

More Resources

Abortion Pill Reversal Network

Hotline number:  (877) 558-0333.  For women who have taken the first dose of the abortion pill regimen and then change their minds, there is hope.  Initial studies have shown that up to 64-68% of the time the effects can be reversed with the Abortion Pill Reversal procedure (when administered right away) so that the pregnancy can continue.


If you cannot reach our office during business hours and need to talk to someone right away, call OR text the 24/7 crisis pregnancy helpline, Optionline, at 1-800-712-4357, OR utilize the chat button at the bottom of this screen.

Additional Resources: